torsdag 26. juni 2014

24 Pictures that Perfectly Explain Irony


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onsdag 25. juni 2014

One Of The Oldest Techniques Has Been Used To Create These Cuties

Felting is the art of taking wool fiber and creating something beautiful. This is on of the oldest creative crafting techniques, and is the technique used to create these wonderful creatures.

fredag 20. juni 2014

Mother Cuddled Her Stillborn Baby Back To Life

The love between a mother and her child is unique. There is no doubt about that. Especially not after this story has become known.

A woman from Sidney, Australia, had premature twins - a boy and a girl. The little boy was according to the doctors stilborn. But after his mother had held him to her breast for two hours, he woke up alive. Doctors call it a medical miracle.

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